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英文名称:Anti-DEAF1 rabbit polyclonal antibody
抗 原: DEAF1
储 存: 冷冻(-20℃)
宿 主: Rabbit
标 记 物:Unconjugate
克隆类型:rabbit polyclonal
Background: | Suppressin, also known as DEAF1 (deformed epidermal autoregulatory factor 1), SPN, NUDR (nuclear DEAF-1-related transcriptional regulator), or ZMYND5 (zinc finger MYND domain-containing protein 5), is a transcription factor required for embryonic development. Suppressin contains one SAND domain and one C-terminal MYND-type zinc finger. It interacts with LMO4 and CLIM-2, suggesting that it plays a role mediating cell fate and embryonic pattern formation. Suppressin is expressed in a variety of tissues and localizes to the nucleus. Several isoforms exist due to alternative splicing and, depending on the isoform, Suppressin is secreted in some cell types. Secreted Suppressin can function to inhibit cell proliferation, arresting cells in the G0 or G1 phase. Mutations in the gene encoding Suppressin may result in a growth advantage leading to the development and progression of neoplasia. This suggest that Supressin is a potential target for cancer therapy. |
Applications: | ELISA, IHC |
Name of antibody: | DEAF1 |
Immunogen: | Synthetic peptide of human DEAF1 |
Full name: | DEAF1 transcription factor |
Synonyms: | SPN; NUDR; ZMYND5 |
SwissProt: | O75398 |
IHC positive control: | Human gastric cancer |
IHC Recommend dilution: | 50-200 |
主营行业:试剂盒 |
公司主营:elisa试剂盒,生化试剂盒,pcr试剂盒,细胞--> |
主营地区:上海 |
企业类型:有限责任公司 |
公司成立时间:2010-01-01 |
员工人数:5 - 10 人 |
研发部门人数:5 - 10 人 |
经营模式:生产+贸易型 |
经营期限:1949-01-01 至 2031-01-01 |
最近年检时间:2020年 |
年营业额:人民币 10 万元/年以下 |
年出口额:人民币 10 万元/年以下 |
年进口额:人民币 10 万元/年以下 |
是否提供OEM:是 |
公司邮编:201500 |
公司电话:021-54845833 |
公司邮箱:2881498548@qq.com |
公司网站:http://www.tw-reagent.com |